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Woodmansterne Primary

Reception September 2024

Registration Next Steps

We are delighted that your child is joining us.  Here are the next steps to register your child.

  • Make sure you have accepted the place with your local council. (Some councils assume you accept unless they are advised otherwise, please check) 
  • Email us a copy of your child’s birth certificate:  school@wps.org.uk or bring it in
  • Complete the 2 electronic forms below before Friday 11th May: 

Pupil Information Form

Home School Agreement 

Although school dinners for children in Reception are free for parents, we ask that you complete the following form to check if you are eligible for income-based free school meals.  If eligible, your child will receive free branded school uniform and the school will also pay for an after school activity club for them and of course your child will continue to receive meals for free throughout their time at Woodmansterne while they remain eligible.  The school receives extra funding for children registered for free school meals, so please do check - it is quick, easy and confidential.

Free School Meal Form 

If you are interested in a place at Woodpeckers Breakfast or After School Club, please click here for more information and here for the booking form.

Useful Diary Dates

Induction Morning - 18th June

Copy of Mrs Goldsmith's presentation: click here


September 2024 - When will my child start school?

We have a short settling in period as follows:

  • 4th September - half the class in 8.50am-11.30am - Surnames A to M (surnames N to Z are not in school this day)
  • 5th September - half the class in 8.50am-11.30am - Surnames N to Z (surnames A to M are not in school this day)
  • 6th September - whole class in 8.50am-12.30pm to include lunch + Reception Coffee Morning
  • From Monday 9th September - all children are in full time 8.50am-3.20pm**

**Please note that the school may liaise with parents to put in place different arrangements for individual children where appropriate.


We are part of the Coolmilk scheme, if you would like to register your child to have milk in school please register at www.coolmilk.com (free for under 5's, payable after that).  Parents must register their child to have milk; it is not automatic.

Any Questions?

We will send you more information about school dinners, uniform and more.  You will also find lots of information on our website.  If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to call us in the school office here at Woodmansterne Primary on 01737 353120 or email school@wps.org.uk 

Questions from the Induction Morning

Q: Do I have to buy the PE shorts from the uniform supplier? 
A: No, you can buy black shorts from anywhere.  The uniform suppliers offer them as an option.   

Q: What are the branded uniform items that I have to buy from the suppliers?
A: For Reception, it's jumpers/cardigans, a PE top and a bookbag.  Everything else you can buy from supermarkets or other clothing retailers.  Please go to our Uniform page for full information.

Q: Can my child attend extra-curricular clubs if they go to Woodpeckers after school club?
A: Yes, the club coach will take them to Woodpeckers.  Please note, the Woodpeckers fees will be the same.

Q: When will club information be available?
A: Club providers are just finalising their details so keep checking the website.  Information and booking links should be on there by the end of June.  Please note that some clubs are not open to Reception pupils in the first term but they are able to join in the Spring or Summer Terms.

Q: There are loads of gates.  Which one is used for which purpose?
A: If you have a parking permit for Walcountians Sports Club car park, you can come in that gate.  If not, please come in the gates in Merrymeet which will be open at 8.40am in the mornings and 3.10pm in the afternoons.  There is a gate by the office in a road called Cedars which is used for visitors and during the school day when the other gates are locked.  This gate is also used for Woodpeckers breakfast and after school club drop off and pick up - there is a separate button for them which goes through to their mobile phone.

Q: What is the kiss and drop system?
A: The school is on a road called Merrymeet which is U-shaped with two entrances.  Parents drive in the entrance nearest the shops.  They then drive round the 'U' and stop outside the school gates to drop their child off.  It's a bit like an American car pool system.