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Woodmansterne Primary

Term Dates & The School Day


Autumn Term 2024

2nd & 3rd September - INSET

4th September - 18th October

Half Term - 21st October - 1st November

4th November - 17th December

Christmas break -18th December - 3rd January 

Spring Term 2025

6th January - 14th February

Half Term - 17th -21st February

24th February - 4th April

Easter break - 7th April - 21st April

Summer Term 2025

22nd April - 23rd May (note 5th May Bank Holiday)

Half Term - 26th-30th May

2nd June - 18th July - (finish at 1.15pm on 18th July)



Autumn Term 2025

2nd & 3rd September - INSET - no pupils in school

4th September - 17th October

Half Term - 20th October - 31st October

3rd November - 18th December

Christmas break -19th December - 2nd January 

Spring Term 2026

5th January - INSET - no pupils in school

6th January - 13th February

Half Term - 16th -20th February

23rd February - 27th March

Easter break - 30th March - 10th April

Summer Term 2026

13th April - 22nd May (note 4th May Bank Holiday)

Half Term - 25th-29th May

1st June - 16th July - pupils finish at 1.15pm

17th July - INSET - no pupils in school

Our School Day - from September 2024

Registration is at 8.50am sharp.  Gates open at 8.40am and children need to be in their classrooms for 8.50am.  Gates close at 8.50am so parents need to be offsite by this time.

We operate a 'kiss and drop' system in Merrymeet where parents can enter the road nearest the village and then drop off their child to be safely by the main school entrance. 

We also offer parents the opportunity to purchase a parking permit at the cost of £25 per term, which allows you to park next door at Walcountians Sports Club for drop off and pick up. This cost covers the club's car park maintenance and provides direct road-free access to the school site. Please contact the school office for further information on how to apply (school@wps.org.uk).  Please note, places are limited and priority is given to the youngest year groups.

School finishes at 3.20pm (which provides 32 hours & 30 minutes per week in a typical week).  Gates open at 3.10pm for collection.