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Woodmansterne Primary

We welcome children to our school from Woodmansterne and the surrounding areas of Banstead, Netherne, Hooley, Chipstead, Coulsdon, Sutton, Croydon, Carshalton, Purley & Epsom.

Nursery and wraparound care is available 7.30am to 6pm.

Click here to view our school prospectus or scroll down for more information.

You can view our school via our School Tour Video below.




We are very lucky to have a 5.5 acre school site - click and drag on our 360° photo below to view our amazing grounds.



Reception Admissions 2025-2026

You can find the admissions arrangements for our school for 2025-2026 here. (For the Appendix, click on the defined catchment area map here.  Please note this catchment area only refers to point 4 of our oversubscription criteria as we are the designated school for Netherne-on-the-Hill.  The school does not have an overall set catchment area.  Being surrounded by fields on 3 sides, our pupils come from a wider area than many schools in busy town and city centres.  We have pupils from Woodmansterne, Banstead, Coulsdon, Purley, Sutton, Wallington, Carshalton and surrounding areas).

Bourne Education Trust is the admissions authority for this school although Surrey County Council co-ordinates the admissions for this school.  As we are so close to the borders with Sutton and Croydon, we have many families from these boroughs attending our school. All London boroughs and Surrey use eadmissions online application method, including for late applications. Each local authority has its own application form. 

The closing date for applications was 15 January 2025.  Please contact your council for information on late applications. 

Open Events & Visits

Our open events for September 2025 entry have now taken place.  If you would like to visit the school, please give the office a call on 01737 353120 or email school@wps.org.uk

Open events for admissions in September 2026 will be scheduled for Autumn 2026 - watch this space. 


Nursery Admissions

Information on our Nursery admissions can be found here.

If you are considering a Nursery place at Woodmansterne and would like to visit, please get in touch school@wps.org.uk. Usual starting points are September, January & April, but applications are dealt with on a rolling, first-come, first-served basis.

A link to the Nursery application form can be found here. 

Admissions 2026-2027 - consultation 25/11/24 to 22/01/24

Consultation:  Bourne Education Trust school admissions arrangements for 2026/27

School: Woodmansterne Primary School


Woodmansterne Primary School (the school) is a primary school in Bourne Education Trust (BET / the Trust). Bourne Education Trust delegates its role as the admissions authority for Woodmansterne Primary School, along with the task of determining the school’s admissions arrangements, to the school’s Local Governing Committee (LGC) in line with the Trust’s scheme of delegation.

Consultation for Woodmansterne Primary School Admissions Arrangements 2026/27

The school is consulting to amend its admissions arrangements with effect from the 2026/27 academic year to include more detail under the Admission of children outside their normal age group section.

Currently, the Trust has a separate policy for the education of children outside of their chronological year group.  This is published on the Bourne Education Trust website here

The inclusion of this information within individual school admissions arrangements from 2026/27 aims to provide more clarity on the process for parents who may wish to consider an application for accelerated or decelerated entry to school.  The intention is then to withdraw the separate Trust policy from 31st August 2026.

In summary, the additional information provides clarity on:

  • Where parents can find guidance from the Department for Education and Surrey County Council in relation to summer born children and the education of children outside of their chronological year group
  • How parents can apply for accelerated entry to school for their child (ie. to start earlier than other children in their chronological age group)
  • How parents can apply for decelerated entry to school for their child (ie. to start later than other children in their chronological age group)
  • Details of who to contact at the school, and where to send supporting evidence, when making an application for accelerated or decelerated entry

Please note:

The nursery provision within Woodmansterne Primary School has a separate admissions policy and is not included within this consultation. 

Deadline for responses:

The consultation begins on Monday 25 November 2024 and runs for six weeks, with a closing date of Wednesday 22 January 2025.  Please provide any comments on the consultation by email to school@wps.org.uk.

Proposed Admissions Arrangements for 2026-2027 - click here

Admissions 2024-2025 - Interested in a school place? 
We have a few spaces left in some year groups.

All other year groups and mid-year joiners

We are happy to accept enquiries from parents for in-year and/or out of borough transfers; please initially contact the school office school@wps.org.uk to discuss the current numbers in any of our year groups, find out whether there are any spaces available and to arrange a tour.

Bourne Education Trust is the admissions authority for this school although Surrey County Council co-ordinates the admissions for this school. Please use this link to go the Surrey County Council website for details on how to apply to Woodmansterne as an 'In-Year Admission' or call 0300 200 1004

Following receipt of your application to Surrey County Council, you will normally receive your outcome within 15 working days. You have a right to appeal the outcome and further information on this can be found here.

Our Admissions Policy for 2024-25 applies for in-year admissions and can be found here. (For the Appendix, click on the defined catchment area map here


Appeals for September 2025 entry resulting from year of entry or transfer applications: 



Appeals lodged by

Appeals to be heard by


16 April 2025

20 May 2025

17 July 2025 (38 School days)

Please note: Appeals will not start being heard until after the relevant closing date has passed.

Appeals lodged after these dates will be heard within 40 school days of the appeal deadline or 30 school days of being lodged, whichever is the later date.

Appeals are not heard in school holidays, which will vary depending on the school.

Appellants will be sent notification of their appeal hearing at least 10 clear school days in advance of the hearing.  Appellants will be sent a copy of the school's case normally a week in advance of the hearing.

Appellants must ensure that any further evidence not included with their initial appeal is received by the stated deadline, which will be clearly highlighted in the appeal hearing notification letter.  Any additional evidence or information received after this date might not be considered at the appeal hearing.


In year or immediate entry appeals

Appeals resulting from in year admission applications will be heard within 30 school days of the appeal being lodged.