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Woodmansterne Primary

Acorns Nursery September 2024

*Please note this information is just for the Acorns pupils starting this September 24. If your child is starting in Jan 25 or April 25, we will send you information closer to the time*

Registration Next Steps

We are delighted that your child is joining our Acorns nursery class in September.  Here are the next steps to register your child.

Early Years Pupil Premium - Did you know that your child can receive school dinners for free if you qualify for Early Years Pupil Premium?  The nursery also receives extra funding.  We would be grateful if you would complete this form so that we can check: click here

Breakfast and After School Club - If you are interested in a place at Woodpeckers Breakfast or After School Club, please click here for more information and here for the booking form.

Useful Diary Dates

Induction Morning

* NEW*

Here is a copy of the presentation used on the Induction Morning: Presentation

Stay and Play Sessions

Before the children start in Nursery we would like to invite you to attend a 'stay and play'/induction session to ease the transition into school and start to meet the team.  

Two date options – please select ONE day and book using this link (look for 'Acorns Stay and Play in the options): 

  1. Thursday 5th September 2024 1.30pm to 2.30pm 
  2. Friday 6th September 2024 1.30pm to 2.30pm 

Please arrive at our daytime entrance gate in the road called Cedars.  Parents stay in the nursery.

If you are unable to make either of those dates, please do not worry, we are used to settling in children.

Your child's first week

Your child will start normal sessions at nursery in the week commencing 9 September

We would prefer you to bring your child in at 10am on their first day so it is less hectic time for us to settle them in, however, if you are dropping off siblings at school please feel free to bring your child at 8.50am when the rest of the school starts.

 Many parents choose a staggered start for their child but please discuss this with nursery staff, for example mornings for the first week.  Please note that if you are paying for your child’s sessions, full fees are payable from the day they start.

30 hour codes – action required before 31st August

Please note that if your child has a 30 hours fully funded space, or you are using 30 hours funding for a top up session, you will need to apply for or reconfirm their code by 31 August 2024 at the latest.  You will need to give us this code in order to claim the funded hours.  We ask all parents to complete a funding declaration form on their child’s first day. 

* NEW* To enable us to check the codes before the end of term, please complete this form if you are claiming any funded hours other than the 15 hours every child receives the term after their 3rd birthday: https://forms.office.com/e/ML4cWqmF74 

You will then need to reconfirm the code every 3 months in order to keep your child’s funding in place.  The government should send you a reminder email but we recommend you make a calendar note yourself.

If you have any queries about funding and codes, please give the office a call.

Children joining in September whose 3rd birthday is on or after 1 September

You may be eligible for the new 15 hours funding for children which starts the term after their 2nd birthday.  Please check on the Childcare Choices website and make sure you have the right code by 31 August 2024.  If your child is elegible for these hours, please supply the code on this form: https://forms.office.com/e/ML4cWqmF74 


We are part of the Coolmilk scheme, if you would like to register your child to have milk in school please register at www.coolmilk.com (free for under 5's).

* NEW* Lunches

If you haven't done so already, please let us know if your child will be having school dinners or packed lunches in September.  You can do this by emailing the office on school@wps.org.uk 

Any Questions?

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to call us in the school office here at Woodmansterne Primary on 01737 353120 or email school@wps.org.uk